
German shell stamps
German shell stamps

german shell stamps

Stamps with this design were printed all the way to 1918. Because of their high face value (5 Marks), stamps were printed in sheets of 20. The motif on the stamp is Kaiser Wilhelm II giving a 25th German Empire's anniversary speech in 1896. This stamp had been originally issued in 1905. The other important thing to mention here is that, as this is usually the case with valuable stamps, most of the stamps we’ll see today are errors of some kind. For us, this is important because these states issued stamps and we’ll see some of them today. n ) shell, muscle - fish, shell - fish, the knowledge of coins medallic. Before that German realm had been split into different states - North German Confederation, Kingdom of Bavaria, Kingdom of Württemberg, Grand Duchy of Baden, Grand Duchy of Hesse. German unification officially happened on 18 January 1871 when the German Empire had been formed (Otto von Bismarck was the mastermind behind the unification).

german shell stamps

The liner band is to tight to read the stamp. Later, the 2-digit year is in the 12 o'clock position and a digit in the 6 o'clock. Cannot read the size stamp but looks shell 64 liner 56 or 57. The symbols on the lower arc of the stamp indicates the caliber (7.7mm, 5.56mm or 7.62mm) and R or RM indicate the model (R) and mark (M) of the cartridge, like the Commonwealth LA stamp (e.g., R1M1 is the first model and second Mark of a cartridge). Of course, we all know where is Germany today, but the question is where it was in the past. German WW2 M-40 tropical Sud Front camo Heer. Today we’ll take a look at some of the most valuable German stamps. Rare and valuable stamps are these parts of collections most philatelists are most proud of.

German shell stamps